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This Is It

Congratulations everyone! You have successfully made it with me to the end of the semester. It has been a wonderful past few months, full...

Parental Responsibilities

My mother always tells me that the greatest love and joy she’s ever experienced is that of becoming a mother. (Let’s just say I’ve also...


Surprise! This is a lucky week because we are getting TWO posts instead of just one. As you can see by the title, this post is dedicated...

Working, Earning, & Saving

One of the conversations that I don’t hear spoken of often in relation to marriage and families, yet that I believe to critically...

Routine of Communication

Whether things are going well or not in any relationship can often be directly attributed and/or determined by one important action:...

Coping With Crisis

Family life is not easy. In fact, I’m willing to say that I believe parenthood and family life to be one of the hardest/greatest jobs...

On Teaching Sexual Intimacy

I believe that a blog about marriage and families wouldn’t exactly be complete if it didn’t take some time for this topic, even if it at...

Let's... Hangout?

Okay everyone, here is the question of the week: Has dating gone out-of-date? It pains me to admit, as a college student living in “the...

Gender Tendencies

Let me be honest with you, I grew up a huge tomboy. My elementary school recesses were always spent with the boys playing kickball,...

Home Culture

This week in class we discussed the many different cultures that exist within a home, and how those cultures differ with each family. In...

Rules & Roles

I love my family. That’s a simple phrase, right? Short, sweet, and direct. “I love my family” … Does this mean that my family is...

Family Trends

Welcome to my very first post! I would like to start by mentioning a few quick things about myself to set the stage for what can be...

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